This weekend mommy, daddy and I traveled back to Orange County to visit with Juh-Juh and Gramps. We got a bonus visit because I got to see Aunt Jenny and Keira and Aunt Laurie. Even better, during the visit it was like Christmas all over again - I got TONS of toys and clothes.Keira told me about all of the cool toys she got. I let her play with some of my toys, since she couldn't bring all of her new toys with her to Juh-Juh and Gramp's house. She is the best big cousin. She kept giving me kisses and saying "Ri Ri." I think she loves me and that's good because I love her too!
The only time Keira doesn't like me is when her mommy is holding me. But Aunt Jenny was able to sneak in a few moments with me - which I enjoyed!
I had the greatest time with Gramps and Juh-Juh. And I can't say thank you enough for all the presents.This morning when I woke up, I got to hang out with Aunt Laurie. We watched Jack's Big Music Show together (I think she might be hooked). Aunt Laurie bought me my very first cabbage patch doll. It looks a lot like me, except it has brown eyes instead of blue. Once mommy and daddy take it out of the package, I'll be sure to get a picture of me with it.
I had a blast this weekend. Can't wait to see everyone again real soon!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
More Christmas Celebrations
Posted by Riley Paige at 9:41 PM 4 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to All!
I can't believe it, my first Christmas is over! I have to say it was more fun than I could have ever imagined. I spent Christmas Eve at Babcha and Pop's house. The Dacko family came over to visit and help me celebrate my first Christmas Eve. I got lots of great stuff from everyone. When we got home mommy and daddy told me I had to go to bed so that Santa would come and visit and bring me presents. I did just that. When I woke up in the morning, I had lots of great presents waiting for me.
Mommy and daddy had to help me open them because my little hands aren't strong enough to do it myself.I got an awesome Jumperoo. I am not quite tall enough to jump, but I do my best. I love all the animals on the jumperoo. The monkey is my favorite. I am going to have to name him.
On Christmas Day we went back to Babcha and Pop's house, this time all the Clarks came over. It was so nice to see everyone again. I got lots of cool presents there too! Uncle Matty bought me this piano...I do remember rocking out to the piano man Billy Joel back in the day! Maybe I can be the next Piano Man...I mean Woman!!It was truly exhausting being the center of attention and opening so many presents. Here I began to get sleepy, so I took a quick rest on mommy.
Pop got me to sleep, but Cindy rocked me and let me sleep in her arms (thanks for that much needed nap Cindy). There were some people that I didn't get to see like Crystal. But since I know she reads this, I just wanted to say "Hi" and "Merry Christmas" and I hope that I get to see you soon. So I guess I can say I had the best Christmas! And even better, from what mommy and daddy tell me, this weekend we're visiting Gramps and Juh-Juh and all my aunts. That means more presents-WHOO HOO!! Thanks to everyone for all my really great gifts!
Posted by Riley Paige at 9:24 PM 6 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My month of "firsts"
Today I am 4 months old, hard to believe! I feel like I was just born yesterday. This month was a month filled with "firsts" and I couldn't be more excited to share them with you.
This past month I celebrated my first Thanksgiving. I also got to help mommy and daddy decorate for my first Christmas. I got to hang my very first ornament and my very first stocking. I know I don't look too excited in this picture, but I did have shots on that day.
This month I learned where my feet really are. And I have learned that I really love my feet. I could spend all day just grabbing at them (and my hands too). The fact that I grab my feet like this makes for a difficult time trying to change my diapers. Sometimes I make it a game to see how many times mommy and daddy can ask me to put my legs down.
I also got to test out my highchair this month. Since I can sit up with help pretty well, mommy and daddy thought it would be a good idea to see if I could sit up in my own chair. Well I can and I love eating (or for me, playing with toys) at the table with mommy and daddy.
I also endured my first BIG snowstorm. I like wearing my snowsuit. It's very warm, so I don't mind the snow too much - yet!
During this past month, I also learned how to roll over. I guess this is a pretty big deal because mommy and daddy were so proud of me and just keep talking about it to anyone and everyone who will listen! Best of all, this month I finally got to eat something other than formula. Not that I don't love my bottle, it's nice to have a little change. Mommy has been feeding me some rice cereal after my bath and before my bottle. It's the best stuff in the world!!
I can't wait to see what this month brings. I know Santa is coming and so is 2009. Hmmm, will this be the month I crawl, walk, talk...maybe not, but I bet I learn lots. Stay tuned for more of my milestones. Even I can't wait to see what I do next!
Posted by Riley Paige at 9:54 AM 5 comments
Yummy in my tummy
Here is a peek at Riley trying cereal for the second time. The first time wasn't so successful because she was super tired and barely even wanted her bottle. Riley does pretty good with the spoon, but sometimes can't decide whether she wants her fingers more than her cereal! Yummy!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 8:49 AM 4 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
4 month check up
Riley had her 4 month check-up today. She has a new pediatrician who is very nice. Riley got some more shots, which she handled like a champ. Of course there were tears, but they lasted shorter than the first time. What came out of this visit? Well a few things:
1. Riley definitely has daddy's genes. She has a big head and she is tall. The doctor is not worried though because her whole body is growing, not just her head (phew). Again, it must be all the brains being housed in there.
2. The doctor thinks that Riley is very well developed. She was very impressed with Riley's ability to hold her head up and grab objects and put them in her mouth, and her chattiness. She thinks Riley is advanced for her age! Well that just might come from both sides, not just daddy's!!
3. Riley can begin eating solids!!! So you just might want to stay tuned because that will soon be blogged about too!
Head - 17 1/4 inches
Height - 26.5 inches
Weight - 16lbs. 7 oz.
And as usual, she was out like a light after her appointment.
Posted by Riley Paige at 10:11 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Rockin' and Rollin' (literally)
Recently Jeremy and myself (and even Uncle Matty) have been working with Riley on rolling over. Well she finally did it. This video is not the first time she did it. The first time Jeremy taped for so long the video was too big to upload. This video is from this morning. At least now we can see it wasn't a one time deal!
Check out at the end of the video how she shakes her head no (just a little bit) when I ask her if she can roll onto her belly now. Too cute! We are so proud!!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 9:46 AM 6 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat
Posted by Riley Paige at 8:43 PM 5 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Lately Riley has been laughing and giggling...a lot. As usual she will be on a roll laughing away and then we take out the camera - and nothing. Our precious daughter cracks us up at how shy she can be in front of the camera. Today was different, we actually got some footage. Too bad mommy had to oink like a pig to get her to do it!!!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 9:59 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Gobble til ya Wobble!!
So on Thanksgiving morning, we headed down to the old hood! We went to Gramps and Juh-Juh's house for a feast. Of course I couldn't eat anything, but boy did the turkey smell DELICIOUS!! Turns out everyone went to Juh-Juh and Gramps house. I saw all my aunts and uncles. Best of all I saw all my cousins too. It is kinda hard to get a good shot of all of us, but Aunt Jenny did her best to get us all together.
Posted by Riley Paige at 11:12 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Yay Visitors!!
Today was Riley's lucky day! She had her Juh Juh, Aunt Laurie and Aunt Jenny over for a visit. She hasn't seen them in a while and was pleased to have them over to her new crib!
Posted by Riley Paige at 3:31 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
My First day at Childtime
Today was my first day at daycare. I wasn't sure I really wanted to go, but daddy pumped me up in the morning and I was ready to rock!I had a good day! The teachers are nice and they think I am so cute. It's probably because I am one of two little babies there. I had quite a busy day; I ate 3 bottles, pooped twice and took 3 naps.
I had such a good day that I was pooped by the time mommy came to get me.
Even though I would much rather spend the day with mommy and daddy, I know they have to work. As mommy says, you can't get by on just your good looks. But I was thinking, everyone talks about how cute I am...maybe I can get by on my good looks!!!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 6:39 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A New Place to Sleep!
Riley has spent the first almost 3 months of her life sharing a room with mommy and daddy. And while we loved sharing our sleeping space with her and enjoyed all those midnight and later feedings, we thought it was time for Riley to get a new bed. She was excited...see??So here it is almost done:
Riley has beautiful bedding that we weren't able to use until now, it's so pretty:
Since Riley is starting day care on Monday, we decided we won't officially move her to her own room until the following week. We're afraid too much change may make her crazy - and we don't want a crazy baby! Plus, there are still some finishing touches we need to do to make her room her own.
We're going to miss the sounds of Riley sleeping (and waking us up), but at some point we have to let her go. Of course the fact that she is only moving across the hall makes the move a little easier too!!
Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for a final peek at Riley's room.
Posted by Riley Paige at 1:13 AM 4 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I feel pretty...
That is, until she sees the camera, then she is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Well I finally got her on tape chatting away and being so in love with herself. See for yourself our little narcissistic baby!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 11:58 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
Today is Halloween, it's my first. Mommy says I am way to young to go trick-or-treating, but I'm not too young to dress up.
Tonight I am going to stay in my awesome costume and help mommy and daddy give candy out to the trick-or-treaters. I would also like to say thank you to Pat for my costume...I love it (and so does mommy and daddy).
Posted by Riley Paige at 5:32 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What in the world?
Today mommy told me that the forecast was calling for snow. "What the heck is snow?" I thought. So mommy decided to dress me in my new onesie from my cousin Keira (she always gets me the most awesome stuff). It has a snowman on it and I am imagining that a snowman is made with snow, so I went with it. See?Now by early afternoon I was still wondering, "where is this snow mommy was talking about??" So I waited and waited and watched and watched. After a few hours, I decided to heck with the snow - I'm taking a nap!
When I woke up, I was amazed at what I saw! It was snow. Mommy says it's only flurries and that I don't even know about all the snow we're going to get soon.
Of course you can only guess what happened next. You can't?? We tested out my new snow suit that daddy bought me. Here is a shot of me in the flurries. I thought it was fun! Can't wait to build my first snowman. Hey, do you think it's too late to change my Halloween costume to a snowman? Just kidding!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 5:57 PM 6 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hello Liverpool!
We've moved! Our first few nights in the new place were a success. I think Riley really likes it because she has her own room now. She loves being out on the balcony and staring at the trees and the sky. Riley loves her new Kiddopotamus fleece pullover for her car seat. We're glad she does, because here she's going to need it!!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 5:44 PM 2 comments
So long Montgomery...
On Friday October 24th the Clark family packed up all their worldly possessions and made the long haul from Montgomery to Liverpool, NY. While we're sad to be leaving, we are very excited to start fresh some place new.Riley seemed excited about the move, so why wouldn't the rest of us be? Hope she likes snow!!
Posted by Riley Paige at 5:32 PM 2 comments